Linker Coin
Linker Coin (LNC)
Market capitalization: 8 777 667
Rank # 1119 | Coin not mineable
0.077833 -1.82%
Volume (24h): 0
Circulating Supply: 500 000 000 LNC
Max Supply: 0 LNC
Linker Coin (Overview)

Blocklancer is a Distributed Autonomous Job Marketplace (DAJ) operating on the Ethereum Blockchain. Blocklancer is our collaborative vision of an entirely self-regulatory platform for finding clients/projects and ensuring jobs are completed efficiently and fairly. Blocklancer is changing the way freelancing works for both the freelancer and the customer, concentrating on building a trustworthy platform all stakeholders can rely on. Blocklancer does this by minimalizing fees and introducing a decentralized tribunal system to guarantee every dispute case is settled fairly and that no one loses out — we can finally wave goodbye to fraud in freelancing.

Hashing Algorithm
Block Time 0
Available/Total Supply 112 776 150 / 500 000 000