Pesetacoin (PTC)
Market capitalization: 148 670
Rank # 2277 | Coin Mineable
0.001028 0.88%
Volume (24h): 0
Circulating Supply: 144 675 034 PTC
Max Supply: 0 PTC
Pesetacoin (Overview)

PesetaCoin is a scrypt altcoin like Litecoin. The block time is one minute and the diffiuclty retargets using the Kimoto Gravity Well. The starting block reward is 166 PTC and halves every year. The coin is merged mineable and has a negligable premine of 0.016%.

Genesis Date July 01, 2014
Hashing Algorithm Scrypt
Block Time 0
Available/Total Supply 144 675 034 / 144 675 034