Feathercoin (FTC)
Market capitalization: 1 282 036
Rank # 1652 | Coin Mineable
0.005419 -0.2%
Volume (24h): 0
Circulating Supply: 336 000 000 FTC
Max Supply: 336 000 000 FTC
Feathercoin (Overview)

Feathercoin is based on Litecoin, which is safeguarded from the effects of Bitcoin ASIC mining until now. It has a block reward of 200 coins and will have a total of 336 million coins. The start block reward was 80 coins and halves every 840,000 blocks. The coin has 336 million as a hard cap and the block target is 1 minute - difficulty is damped at 25%. Feathercoin is a UK Oxford based initiative and as such has a following locally with some merchants accepting the currency. The website also has its own shop where you can post and sell goods for FTC - or Feathercoins.

Hashing Algorithm Scrypt
Block Time 17
Available/Total Supply 236 600 238 / 336 000 000