Burst (BURST)
Market capitalization: 111 066 196
Rank # 383 | Coin Mineable
0.052374 34.01%
Volume (24h): 0
Circulating Supply: 2 120 642 444 BURST
Max Supply: 0 BURST
Burst (Overview)

Burst uses a new algorithm for proof of hdd capacity (POC) mining. Miners pre-generate chunks of data known as 'plots' which are then saved to disk. Taking NXT's great PoS code, and turning it into PoC. PoC takles the problem of unfair distribution, enables blockchain trimming, and allows anyone to mine without massive power bills or any special equipment

Genesis Date December 06, 2014
Hashing Algorithm Shabal256
Block Time 0
Available/Total Supply 2 120 642 444 / 2 120 642 444