Legolas Exchange
Legolas Exchange (LGO)
Market capitalization: 174 909 537
Rank # 53 | Coin not mineable
1.45 4.67%
Volume (24h): 368 198
Circulating Supply: 217 698 062 LGO
Max Supply: 0 LGO
Legolas Exchange (Overview)

The Legolas Exchange is an exchange that runs on an hybrid model, incorporating a decentralized ledger within its proprietary centralized platform in a bid to provide unalterability, temporality, and transparency of the order book. The exchange system is fueled by the LGO token, an ERC-20 token based on ethereum used to pay for Order fees and other paid services provided by Legolas.

Genesis Date January 02, 2018
Hashing Algorithm
Block Time
Available/Total Supply 120 324 679 / 217 698 062