Binance Coin
Binance Coin (BNB)
Market capitalization: 118 485 059 974
Rank # 4 | Coin not mineable
710.34 1.87%
Volume (24h): 5 393 457 124
Circulating Supply: 166 801 148 BNB
Max Supply: 166 801 148 BNB
Binance Coin (Overview)

The Binance Coin is an Ethereum-based token that allows users to receive a discount for any fees on the Binance platform, a pure cryptocurrency exchange that plans to create a decentralized exchange for blockchain assets. BNB also gives users access to special features and will be used to power the upcoming decentralized exchange.

Hashing Algorithm
Block Time 0
Available/Total Supply 166 801 148 / 166 801 148