Bitcoin Gold
Bitcoin Gold (BTG)
Market capitalization: 625 155 366
Rank # 113 | Coin Mineable
35.69 4.01%
Volume (24h): 9 677 461
Circulating Supply: 17 513 924 BTG
Max Supply: 21 000 000 BTG
Bitcoin Gold (Overview)

Bitcoin Gold is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain that occurred at block 491407. It implements a new PoW algorithm, Equihash, which makes it ASIC-resistant and can only be mined by GPUs rigs. The purpose of Bitcoin Gold is to make mining decentralized again following Satoshi Nakamoto's vision of "1 CPU = 1 vote".

Hashing Algorithm Equihash
Block Time 600
Available/Total Supply 17 513 924 / 17 513 924