Bitcoin Atom
Bitcoin Atom (BCA)
Market capitalization: 13 907 494
Rank # 995 | Coin Mineable
0.755065 -8.6%
Volume (24h): 0
Circulating Supply: 21 000 000 BCA
Max Supply: 21 000 000 BCA
Bitcoin Atom (Overview)

Bitcoin Atom is a SegWit enabled Bitcoin fork that uses the SHA256 algorithm and is secured by utilizing the so-called hybrid consensus: both PoW and PoS. The BCA will also be using the lightning network swaps allowing for instant off-chain atomic swaps, which are cheaper and more useful for smaller transactions and have better privacy properties.

Genesis Date April 12, 2017
Hashing Algorithm SHA256
Block Time
Available/Total Supply 18 418 931 / 21 000 000